The Warmington group of companies and all affiliates proudly abide by The Fair Employment and Housing Act which specifically provides protection from harassment or discrimination in housing because of:
Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Marital Status, National Origin, Ancestry, Familial Status, Source of Income and/or Disability.
All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
The act prohibits discrimination and harassment in all aspects of housing including sales, rentals, evictions, terms and conditions, mortgage loans and insurance and land use and zoning. For more information, visit the FHEO Website.
Additionally, the photographs used on our web site, in advertisements and marketing materials do not reflect racial preference. Many images are "stock" and have been chosen to represent a lifestyle, theme or mood. In these instances, race, family formation, gender, etc. are secondary to other factors such as location, activity, color, lighting and orientation. Photos change with special promotions, the addition or deletion of communities, and sometimes, seasonally.